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author رملي حمزة(رئيسا)،بن جدو سامي(مشرفا ومقررا)،داودي حمزة (ممتحنا)،طويل حدة(ممتحنا)،لحلو بوخاري(ممتحنا)،فلاك ركن الدين(ممتحنا) |
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أثر أزمة الديون السيادية على معدلات نمو العمالة في دول PIIGS دراسة تحليلية قياسية خلال الفترة 1995-2020 / فطوش فاطمة
title : أثر أزمة الديون السيادية على معدلات نمو العمالة في دول PIIGS دراسة تحليلية قياسية خلال الفترة 1995-2020 : أطروحة مقدمة ضمن متطلبات نيل شهادة الدكتوراه الطور الثالث في العلوم الاقتصادية Type de document : electronic document Auteur : فطوش فاطمة, Author ; رملي حمزة(رئيسا)،بن جدو سامي(مشرفا ومقررا)،داودي حمزة (ممتحنا)،طويل حدة(ممتحنا)،لحلو بوخاري(ممتحنا)،فلاك ركن الدين(ممتحنا) Editeur : ميلة : المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف Date de publication : 2024 Nombre de pages : 221ص. Matériel d'accompagnement : قرص مضغوط ISBN (ou autre code) : DN33019 Langue : Arabic (ara) Langue originale : Arabic (ara) Mots clé : Key Words: sovereign debt, PIIGS countries, employment Rates, Panel Data Indexation : د ا Résumé : Abstract: The study investigates the sovereign debt crisis's impact on employment growth in Eurozone countries (PIIGS) from 1995 to 2020. It identifies the factors leading to the crisis, diagnoses its nature, determines its causes, and estimates its extent. The study uses two complementary approaches: descriptive analytical and induction. The descriptive analysis method uses descriptive analysis, supplemented by graphical and mathematical analysis, while the inductive method uses economic and econometric models to quantify government debt impact. The study finds that austerity measures were adopted by the weakest PIIGS countries to mitigate the risk of exacerbating the crisis. This led to a decline in macroeconomic indicators and employment growth, reflecting the damage caused by the crisis. Greece is the most severely affected country, followed by Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Ireland. Government reforms have helped maintain employment growth. The research results show a cause-and-effect relationship in the short and long term, with government debt indicators negatively impacting employment growth rates in the sample countries. Lien vers la ressource électronique : D.N330-19.pdf أثر أزمة الديون السيادية على معدلات نمو العمالة في دول PIIGS دراسة تحليلية قياسية خلال الفترة 1995-2020 : أطروحة مقدمة ضمن متطلبات نيل شهادة الدكتوراه الطور الثالث في العلوم الاقتصادية [electronic document] / فطوش فاطمة, Author ; رملي حمزة(رئيسا)،بن جدو سامي(مشرفا ومقررا)،داودي حمزة (ممتحنا)،طويل حدة(ممتحنا)،لحلو بوخاري(ممتحنا)،فلاك ركن الدين(ممتحنا) . - ميلة : المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف, 2024 . - 221ص. + قرص مضغوط.
ISSN : DN33019
Langue : Arabic (ara) Langue originale : Arabic (ara)
Mots clé : Key Words: sovereign debt, PIIGS countries, employment Rates, Panel Data Indexation : د ا Résumé : Abstract: The study investigates the sovereign debt crisis's impact on employment growth in Eurozone countries (PIIGS) from 1995 to 2020. It identifies the factors leading to the crisis, diagnoses its nature, determines its causes, and estimates its extent. The study uses two complementary approaches: descriptive analytical and induction. The descriptive analysis method uses descriptive analysis, supplemented by graphical and mathematical analysis, while the inductive method uses economic and econometric models to quantify government debt impact. The study finds that austerity measures were adopted by the weakest PIIGS countries to mitigate the risk of exacerbating the crisis. This led to a decline in macroeconomic indicators and employment growth, reflecting the damage caused by the crisis. Greece is the most severely affected country, followed by Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Ireland. Government reforms have helped maintain employment growth. The research results show a cause-and-effect relationship in the short and long term, with government debt indicators negatively impacting employment growth rates in the sample countries. Lien vers la ressource électronique : D.N330-19.pdf Réservation
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