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أثر إدارة الكفاءات المحورية على جودة الخدمات الصحية دراسة حالة مستشفى الأمراض العقلية بوادي العثمانية / بن حركو زينب
title : أثر إدارة الكفاءات المحورية على جودة الخدمات الصحية دراسة حالة مستشفى الأمراض العقلية بوادي العثمانية Type de document : electronic document Auteur : بن حركو زينب, Author ; بولصباع محمود(رئيسا)،عاشوري إبراهيم(مشرفا ومقررا)،سنوسي أسامة (مناقشا) Editeur : ميلة : المركز الجامعي ميلة Date de publication : 2020 Nombre de pages : 149ص. Matériel d'accompagnement : قرص مضغوط ISBN (ou autre code) : 330132411 Langue : Arabic (ara) Langue originale : Arabic (ara) Indexation : ما Lien vers la ressource électronique : https://opac.centre-univ-mila.dz/z//330132411.pdf أثر إدارة الكفاءات المحورية على جودة الخدمات الصحية دراسة حالة مستشفى الأمراض العقلية بوادي العثمانية [electronic document] / بن حركو زينب, Author ; بولصباع محمود(رئيسا)،عاشوري إبراهيم(مشرفا ومقررا)،سنوسي أسامة (مناقشا) . - ميلة : المركز الجامعي ميلة, 2020 . - 149ص. + قرص مضغوط .
ISSN : 330132411
Langue : Arabic (ara) Langue originale : Arabic (ara)
Indexation : ما Lien vers la ressource électronique : https://opac.centre-univ-mila.dz/z//330132411.pdf Réservation
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Statut ما إق/5934 330/1324/1 Thesis and Dissertation Central Library Dissertations and Theses Room AVAILABLE دور التخطيط الاستراتيجي في تحقيق متطلبات ضمان جودة التعليم العالي بالمؤسسات الجامعية الدزائرية -دراسة حالة المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف-ميلة / بن حركو زينب
title : دور التخطيط الاستراتيجي في تحقيق متطلبات ضمان جودة التعليم العالي بالمؤسسات الجامعية الدزائرية -دراسة حالة المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف-ميلة : أطروحة مقدمة ضمن متطلبات نيل شهادة الدكتوراه الطور الثالث في علوم التسيير Type de document : electronic document Auteur : بن حركو زينب, Author ; بلحاج طارق(رئيسا)،برني ميلود(مشرفا ومقررا)،محمد بوطلاعة(ممتحنا)،بوبحة سعاد(ممتحمنا)،عقال إلياس(ممتحنا)،داي وسام(ممتحنا) Editeur : ميلة : المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف Date de publication : 2024 Nombre de pages : 274ص. Matériel d'accompagnement : قرص مضغوط ISBN (ou autre code) : DN3307 Langue : Arabic (ara) Langue originale : Arabic (ara) Mots clé : Keywords: University institution project, requirements for quality assurance of higher education, national reference for quality assurance, strategic planning Indexation : د ا Résumé : Abstract This study aims to identify the role of strategic planning in achieving the requirements for quality assurance of higher education at the Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center - Mila, by relying on the national reference for quality assurance, which contains a group of fields, which in turn consists of references and standards that enable the university institution to diagnose The status of its activities. This reference is also considered an essential means for self-evaluation to learn more about the quality assurance requirements in the institution under study.The first was the use of an interview with 10 officials and the total number of questions was 174 questions, while the quantitative approach was done using the questionnaire that was sent to the study sample, which was represented by 372 individual data to be analyzed and processed using statistical packages.v22, a set of strategic tools was also used to identify the gap, such as reference comparison and strategy sail. The study concluded with a set of results, the most important of which are: Based on what was discussed, there are some verified references at the university center, but on the other hand, there is a kind of deficiency in other standards. We find the field of scientific research very close to the requirements and there are more than 5 verified references, followed by the field of cooperation. It achieved conformity in four references, as well as in the field of university life and training, while the field of basic structures and the relationship with the economic and social environment suffers from many shortcomings, and here we note that the implementation of the requirements for ensuring the quality of higher education at the Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center - Mila is not implemented well, and it is This indicates that there is a gap between the references and standards achieved at the university center and those required by the national reference for quality assurance. We also concluded that the institution’s project has a major role in reducing the gaps that appeared in the self-evaluation stage, as it works to evaluate these shortcomings and reformulate them in the form of goals that are determined in the university institution’s policy for the next five years Lien vers la ressource électronique : D.N330-7.pdf دور التخطيط الاستراتيجي في تحقيق متطلبات ضمان جودة التعليم العالي بالمؤسسات الجامعية الدزائرية -دراسة حالة المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف-ميلة : أطروحة مقدمة ضمن متطلبات نيل شهادة الدكتوراه الطور الثالث في علوم التسيير [electronic document] / بن حركو زينب, Author ; بلحاج طارق(رئيسا)،برني ميلود(مشرفا ومقررا)،محمد بوطلاعة(ممتحنا)،بوبحة سعاد(ممتحمنا)،عقال إلياس(ممتحنا)،داي وسام(ممتحنا) . - ميلة : المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف, 2024 . - 274ص. + قرص مضغوط.
ISSN : DN3307
Langue : Arabic (ara) Langue originale : Arabic (ara)
Mots clé : Keywords: University institution project, requirements for quality assurance of higher education, national reference for quality assurance, strategic planning Indexation : د ا Résumé : Abstract This study aims to identify the role of strategic planning in achieving the requirements for quality assurance of higher education at the Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center - Mila, by relying on the national reference for quality assurance, which contains a group of fields, which in turn consists of references and standards that enable the university institution to diagnose The status of its activities. This reference is also considered an essential means for self-evaluation to learn more about the quality assurance requirements in the institution under study.The first was the use of an interview with 10 officials and the total number of questions was 174 questions, while the quantitative approach was done using the questionnaire that was sent to the study sample, which was represented by 372 individual data to be analyzed and processed using statistical packages.v22, a set of strategic tools was also used to identify the gap, such as reference comparison and strategy sail. The study concluded with a set of results, the most important of which are: Based on what was discussed, there are some verified references at the university center, but on the other hand, there is a kind of deficiency in other standards. We find the field of scientific research very close to the requirements and there are more than 5 verified references, followed by the field of cooperation. It achieved conformity in four references, as well as in the field of university life and training, while the field of basic structures and the relationship with the economic and social environment suffers from many shortcomings, and here we note that the implementation of the requirements for ensuring the quality of higher education at the Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center - Mila is not implemented well, and it is This indicates that there is a gap between the references and standards achieved at the university center and those required by the national reference for quality assurance. We also concluded that the institution’s project has a major role in reducing the gaps that appeared in the self-evaluation stage, as it works to evaluate these shortcomings and reformulate them in the form of goals that are determined in the university institution’s policy for the next five years Lien vers la ressource électronique : D.N330-7.pdf Réservation
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Statut دإق/10492 D.N330/7 Thesis and Dissertation Central Library Dissertations and Theses Room AVAILABLE